===== Thebe ===== .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: General start configure security events config_reference howto/initialize_cells contribute api `Thebe `_ turns your static HTML pages into interactive ones, powered by a kernel. It is the evolution of the `original Thebe project `_ with javascript APIs provided by `JupyterLab `_. For example, see the following code cell: .. raw:: html
   %matplotlib inline
   import numpy as np
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   fig, ax = plt.subplots()
   ax.scatter(*np.random.randn(2, 100), c=np.random.randn(100))
   ax.set(title="Wow, an interactive plot!")
It is static for now. You can activate Thebe by pressing the button below. This will ask `mybinder.org `_ for a Python kernel, and turn the code cell into an interactive one with outputs! Try clicking the button. The cell will be come active! .. raw:: html You can press "run" in order to run the contents of the cell and display the result (be patient, it will take a few moments for Binder to start the kernel). Getting Started =============== To get started, check out :doc:`start`. .. _more_examples: Examples ======== For more examples showing how to configure, use, and activate Thebe, see the list below. We recommend browsing the raw HTML of each one in order to see how Thebe is used. .. toctree:: :caption: Examples :maxdepth: 1 examples/minimal_example examples/bqplot_example examples/ipyleaflet_example examples/ipympl_example examples/plotly-example examples/ipycytoscape_example examples/pythreejs-example examples/matplotlib_interact_example * `Making use of Jupyter interactive widgets <_static/widgets.html>`_ * `Status field and styling <_static/status_field.html>`_ * `Activate/Status button <_static/activate_button.html>`_ * `Alternative computational environments; code cells with prompts and outputs <_static/prompts.html>`_ * `Using a local Jupyter server as kernel provider <_static/local.html>`_ * `Setting predefined output for cells <_static/demo-preview.html>`_ * `Thebe in use for SageMath documentation `_ (`about `_) Showcases a fancy activate button, and fetching thebe and running computations locally when possible. Relevant files: * `thebe.html `_ * `thebe_status_field.js `_ * `thebe_status_field.js `_ * `Thebe in use for GAP documentation `_ Acknowledgements ================ ``thebe`` was originally developed as a part of `OpenDreamKit `_ - Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructure project (676541).