Support for alternative computational environments and code cells with prompts and outputs

This page illustrates the customization of the computing environment (here SageMath) and the handling of code cells containing (continuation) prompts and outputs. Upon activation, the prompts and output are stripped. Furthermore, code cells are split wherever there is an output or blank line. Code cells not containing a prompt are left untouched

See also the source file.

This is the original cell:

    sage: 1 + 1
    sage: a = 3
    sage: b = 4

    sage: c = 5
    sage: a + b + \
    ....: c

    sage: plot(sin(x))

This is the resulting live cell:

    sage: 1 + 1
    sage: a = 3
    sage: b = 4

    sage: c = 5
    sage: a + b + \
    ....: c

    sage: plot(sin(x))

A cell without prompts:

a = 3
b = 4

c = 5

a + b + \

A cell with some maths, rendered in ascii art. Nice rendering can be achieved by setting up MathJax:

    sage: %display ascii_art
    sage: sqrt(1+x^2)